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Brazil is a country located in South America, known for its cultural diversity, rich biodiversity, extensive natural landscapes, and a developing economy. Its population is composed of a mix of different ethnicities and cultures, and its history includes indigenous, European, and African influences. The official language of the country is Portuguese and its capital is Brasília. Brazil is one of the most populous countries in the world and has a strong presence on the international stage.



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Get in touch with the Brazilian school!

Name: United Idiomas - Maringá Branch
Location: Maringá, Paraná - Brazil
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Turkey is a country located at the intersection of Europe and Asia, known for its rich history, diverse culture, and beautiful natural landscapes. Its population is composed of a mix of different ethnic and cultural groups, and the official language is Turkish. Ankara is the capital of the country, although Istanbul is the largest city and an important cultural and economic center. Turkey has a developing economy, with key sectors such as tourism, manufacturing, and agriculture. In addition, the country has a rich archaeological heritage and is home to many popular tourist attractions, such as the Blue Mosque, the Bosphorus, and the ruins of the ancient city of Ephesus.


Get in touch with the Turkish school!

Name: Berlitz - Istanbul Branch
Location: Istanbul - Turkey
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